Does it happen that you try hard and still unable to persuade the other person? The more you try the more resistant your conversation partner becomes and finally you feel demoralized and frustrated.

When the stake is high, it’s all the more difficult to deal with it.

Let me share the steps that my high-profile clients follow to reach an agreement:

Set an Intention, Not the Agenda

When you start a conversation with an agenda, your goal is to get what you want, AT ANY COST. That causes stress in the interaction and your partner resists more as you try harder. That’s the reason, on many occasions, people step back even if they have made a commitment. So, when you set an intention instead of agenda, you are less pushy, more open and willing to see what would work in the best interest of both of you.

Do Not Judge

It’s very difficult to set your baggage of the past aside and have a fresh interaction. In high stake meetings, most of the time is wasted in repeating past mistakes leading to blame and counter-blame (many times it’s unsaid). Remember, whatever a person does, he does only believing, that is the best option. So, shed the historical baggage, stay open, do not judge.

Be Curious

If you notice the resistance from your partner, don’t ignore it. Bring that to the forefront by displaying curiosity (It has to be subtle otherwise it may give an impression of interrogation). Ask questions in a respectful and empathetic manner.

Give Alternatives

If you are able to access their mind, you would have a fair idea of what solution would work. Personalize your offer accordingly.

Make Them Winner

As human beings, it’s natural to compete for superiority. What you are seeking, the same is sought by your partner. Close the interaction in such a manner that they feel like a winner.

Change the game!